Op 25 april van elk jaar is het Anzac Day waarop de deelname
van de Australische en Nieuw-Zeelandse troepen tijdens de
Eerste Wereldoorlog wordt herdacht, en dit tegelijk op verschillende
plaatsen in de wereld. Uiteraard wordt dit ook in de Westhoek
herdacht. Hieronder een aantal foto's van de plechtigheid
aan de Menenpoort
te Ieper.
On April 25th of each year Anzac Day commemorates the participation
of Australian and New-Zealand armed forces during the first
world war. This is also the case in the Westhoek. . Please
find below some photographs of the cermony at the Menin
Gate at Ieper.

A panel with a lot of Australian soliders who have no known
grave and who are mentionned at the Menin

A lot of the soldiers were volunteers. Some even lied about
their age of took the name of someone else to get in the
army. See the "Served as" on the photograph below.

2.384 soldiers of the New-Zealand expeditionary force who
have no known grave are commemorated at Tyne
Cot Cemetery.

Very quiet during the Last Post.

Wreath laying by the ambassadors of New Zealand and Australia,
Luc Dehaene (mayor of Ieper) and Paul Breyne (Governor of
the province).

Members of Parliament.

John Read, mayor of Featherston.

Representants of the armed forces.

De klaroenblazers worden bedankt door de ambassadeur.