Hieronder een aantal foto's van de proclamatie van de opstelwedstrijd
die door het Last Post
Comité werd georganiseerd. De proclamatie had
plaats in het Ieperse stadhuis.
Please find below some pictures of the prize-giving
for the Last Post Association
competition, on Tuesday, November 11 th, 2005. The event
took place at the Town Hall.
Welkom door Luc Dehaene, burgemeester van Ieper / Welcome
by Luc Dehaene, mayor of Ieper.

De ambassadeur van Nieuw-Zeeland / The ambassador of New-Zealand

Carl Denys, member of the Last Post Association

Dit jaar organiseerde de last Post Association voor de
10e maal de opstelwedstrijd die in 1977 werd opgestart door
Alfred Caenepeel en in 1996 werd heropgestart door Henri
Vanden Berghe.
Deze academische zitting van 11 november is het ideale
kader om de prijswinnaars te bekronen voor hun deelname
aan wat in de nabije toekomst een volwaardige internationale
literaire wedstrijd moet worden. Dit jaar namen bijna 200
leerlingen van de zeven Ieperse secundaire scholen deel
en de verbetering van de teksten op vier dagen tijd was
echt titanenwerk.
The main aim of this Last Post Association competition
is to keep alive the sacrifices of all those who fought
and often died in the defence of the Ypres Salient and of
freedom and democracy. That's why this year's title asked
the competitors to answer the urgent soldiers call to "tell
the world that their sacrifice was not in vain".
On behalf of the Last Post Association, I would like to
thank all those who sponsored the 2005 competition: the
Australian, British , Canadian and New-Zealand embassies,
the Flemish Government, Provinciebestuur, the Ypres City
Council, Dave Calvert and various local service clubs. It's
mainly with the financial help of the Flemish government
and its prime minister that this year we can offer two one-week
trips to Australia to the two best authors.
Next we are going to hand out the various prizes. First
the prize winners per school as every participating school
is awarded a prize for its three best entries.
May I ask Provincial Governor Paul Breyne to come forward
to present the prizes awarded to the Ypres VTI. Their winners
are Bertrand Dujardin (1st) Dries lahoutte (2nd) and Davy
Vandelanotte (3rd).

May I ask the Ypres mayor Luc Dehaene to present the prizes
awarded to the Ypres St.Vincentius College and the Ypres
Lyceum. The winners are Marekka Maricou (2nd College),Sophie
Cool (2nd Lyceum) and Koen Vanheule (3rd Lyceum).

May I ask the Mr Wade Armstrong - Ambassador of New Zealand
to present the prizes awarded to the Koninklijk Technisch
Atheneum. Their winners are Ines Hauspie (1st) Inneke Devos
(2nd) and Kenzie Despriet (3rd).

May I ask Mr Alain Haussert - Deputy Head of Mission of
Canada to present the prizes awarded to the Koninklijk Atheneum.
Their winners are Chloë Ide (1st) Céline Alderweireldt
(2nd) and Miet Devriendt (3rd)

May I ask Mr Richard Kinchen - Ambassador of the United
Kingdom to present the prizes awarded to the Immaculata
Instituut . Their winners are Niels (poem)(1st) Sophie Vanysacker
(2nd) and Bart Degroote (3rd)

Mr Peter GREY - Ambassador of Australia is giving the prizes
for Corazon Caenpeel (1st), Benjamin Boutten (2nd) and Kelly
Vercaigne (3rd) of Heilige Familie

Now we have reached the top prizes
Mr Dave Calvert's family sponsored a side competition organised
in the Sittingbourne area. Their first prize is presented
by Dave Calvert to James Kendal. of Judds School in Tonbridge.
The Last Post Association also sponsored this competition:
their prize for this winner is being presented by Guy Gruwez.

Rotary Club Ieper, beheerder van het Rotary-Keith Fonds
schenkt haar eerste prijs voor het beste Engelse stelwerk.
Deze prijs gaat naar Simon Louagie of St Vincentiuscollege.

De tweede prijs in deze categorie wordt geschonken door
de Last Post Association en is voor Linde Vanthournout (Koninklijk

The Donald Hodge Prize, which in fact is third prize, is
awarded to Anne-Sophie Ghyselen. (Lyceum) Her price will
be presented by Dave Calvert.

And now the long awaited supreme moment: who will pack
his or her bags for the coveted
Australia trip or tour. Both winners are female and from
the same school

May I ask Goele
Vandenberghe and Emma Feys from Sint Vincentiuscollege
to come forward to receive their prize from the hands of
the Last Post Association's Chairman Mr. Guy Gruwez.

Finally I would like to re-thank all the sponsors and all
the pupils and teachers who by participating to the competition
made this year's edition a huge success.

Special thanks to service clubs : Kiwanis Ieper, Rotary
club Ieper, Round Table 20 , Lions club Ieper, Rotaract
Ieper-Poperinge, Inner Wheel, Fifty One.