Hieronder een aantal foto's van de Last
Post op zondag 2 juli 2006 aan de Menenpoort
te Ieper in aanwezigheid van de ministers van veteranenzaken
van Australië en Canada.
Please find below a few photographs of the Last
Post ceremony on Sunday, July, 2nd, 2006, at the Menin
Gate at Ieper in presence of the Minister of Veteran
Affairs of Australia and the Minister of Veteran Affairs
of Canada.
Arrival of one band.

Press officer Carl denys informs the canadian press.

Matthieu Mottrie, member of the Last Post Association.

Benoit Mottrie, chairman of the Last
Post Association.

The ministers and Luc Dehaene, mayor of Ieper.


Last Post

The Exhortation

Neerlegging van kransen / Laying wreaths by the canadian
and australian minister an the mayor of Ieper.

And many, many others.


The ministers greet the buglars.

Ook Denise Dael, 89 jaar intussen, is er weer bij.

Signing the book of honour.

The buglars are interviewed by the canadian press.

Mayor Luc Dehaene greets the young people of Canada.