Hieronder een aantal foto's van de Last
Post op donderdag 21 september 2006 aan de Menenpoort
te Ieper. Deze last Post was een eerbetoon aan Guy Gruwez,
die na 40 jaar voorzitterschap, een stap terug deed.
Please find below a few photographs of the Last
Post ceremony on Thursday, September, 21st, 2006, at
the Menin
Gate at Ieper. This special Last Post was a tribute
to M. Guy Gruwez who was chairman of the association for
40 years. Earlier this, year, M. Benoit Mottrie succeeded
him as chairman.
Arrival of the band Koninklijke Harmonie Ypriana.

Accompanied by the buglars.

Arrival of the guests.

Matthieu Mottrie, member of the Last Post Association.

From left to right: governor Breyne, ambassador Armstrong
of New-Zealand, Guy Gruwez, mayor Luc Dehaene, the British
ambassador and the ambassador of Australia.

Prayers by reverend Jones

and priest Odiel Denorme.

In red Ms. Guy Gruwez.

Last Post

The Exhortation

and a lament by a piper.

Neerlegging van kransen / Laying wreaths
Guy Gruwez, honorary chairman of the Last
Post Association.

Governor Paul Breyne and mayor Luc Dehaene

the representative of flemish minister Bourgeois, helped
by press officer Carl Denys (right)

the ambassador of New Zealand and the UK

the representative of Canada (left) and the ambassador
of Australia

and many, many others

Guy Gruwez thanks his buglars.

At the left we see Benoit Mottrie, the new chairman.

Marching back towards the market place.