Last Post - Ieper - 11/11/2007
Hieronder een aantal foto's van de Last
Post op zondag 11 november 2007 aan de Menenpoort
te Ieper. De Last Post wordt op Wapenstilstand gespeeld, de
11 dag van de 11 maand.
Please find below a few photographs of the Last
Post ceremony on Sunday, Novmber, 11th, 2007, Armistice
Day, at the Menin
Gate at Ieper.
Arrival of the bands.
And other groups.

The buglers and the Ieper fire brigade.
At the right: Peter Slosse, head of the tourist office at
Ieper, is master of ceremony.
Inspection of the troups by mayor Luc Dehaene, governor Paul
Breyne and the commanders Jan Devos and Pol Vanden Berghe.
Address by Mr. Benoit Mottrie, chairman of the Last Post
At the right: governor Paul Breyne (left) and Luc Dehaene,
mayor of the city of Ieper.
Left: the Ambassadores of New Zealand and Australia. At the
right: Mr. Guy Gruwez, honorary chairman of the Last Post
Details of the buglers who sounded the Last Post for the
27.200 time this day.
Prayers are said.
The Last Post for the fallen who have no known grave.
The Exhortation followed by the poem 'In Flanders Fields'
by minister Jim Prentice of Canada.
At the left: the Ambassador of Canada.

A lament is played.
And then the wreath laying could start.
At the left: members of the OPCW, the Organisation for the
Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, who celebrated their 10th
anniversary with a meeting at Ieper.
After the official guests, everyone could lay a wreath.
Poppies came down.
The Reveille.
And finally the national anthems of Great Britain and Belgium.
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Everyone can send pictures for these pages "You were
there". Our address: