Opstelwedstrijd / Essay competition - Ieper - 11/11/2007
Hieronder een aantal foto's van de proclamatie van de opstelwedstrijd
die door het Last
Post Comité werd georganiseerd. De proclamatie
had plaats in het Ieperse stadhuis.
Please find below some pictures of the prize-giving for
the Last Post Association
competition, on Tuesday, November 11 th, 2007. The event took
place at the Town Hall.
Welkom door Luc Dehaene, burgemeester van Ieper / Welcome
by Luc Dehaene, mayor of Ieper.

Address by Minister Jim Prentice of Canada

John Freeman van de organisatie tegen verspreiding van chemische
wapens: "Our organisation has been founded in 1998 and
we now celebrate our 10th anniversary. Let us remind of the
critical challenges. During the last 10 years, 35% of the
stock of chemical weapons had been destroyed. We carried out
more than a 1000 inspections".
"I want to thank Belgium for their excellent cooperation
with the OPCW. April, 29th of each year is now the annual
day against chemical weapons", concluded John Freeman.

Benoit Mottrie, chairman of the Last Post Association: 'The
theme of essay competition this year was the 'Kohima'. We
want to spread our competitiion towards all the Commonwealth
countries and we want to expand the participation in Belgium.
I would like to thank everyone who helped in this year's edition'.

First the prize winners per school as every participating
school is awarded a prize for its three best entries.
May I ask the Ambassador of New Zealand - Mr Kennedy - to
present the prizes awarded to the Koninklijk Atheneum. The
winners are
- Pector Susan (1st)
- Schouten Stéphanie (2nd)
- Latruwe Tabita (3rd)

May I ask Ms Glasgow - Canadian Ambassador to present the
prizes awarded to Lyceum Onze Lieve Vrouw ter Nieuwe plant.
Their winner is Brecht Vangheluwe (1st).

May I ask Ambassador of Australia - Mr Thomas - to come forward
to present the prizes awarded to the Ypres Immaculata. Their
winners are :
- Maarten Degroote(1st)
- Lebbe Evy (2nd)
- Verhalle Victor (3rd)

Ambassador Khalid of Pakistan to give the prizes to Heilige
Familie -
- Bulcke Olivia (2nd)
- Lottegier Karen (3rd)

May I ask Mr Lt Gen Thomas of Indian Army to give the prizes
to Sint Vincentiuscollege: Janne Carnel (3rd)

Rotary Club Ieper, beheerder van het Rotary-Keith Fonds schenkt
dit jaar de prijs voor het beste Engelse stelwerk. Deze prijs
gaat naar Heilige Familie - Boudry Delphine

The Donald Hodge Prize, presented by Mr Bowie - representing
the Ambassador of the United Kingdom. This prize comming from
the Donald Hodge Fund , which in fact is our third prize,
is awarded to Sint Vincentiuscollege - Logie Anneleen

Now 1 name is still on my paper: I'm very pleased to ask
Minister J. Prentice representing Canada, which is the destination
of the first prize, together with Sabine Lahaye-Battheu representing
the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium Mr De Gucht., who
is financially supporting our contest , to hand over our first
prize, the trip to Canada to: Vanbeselare Silke - from Sint
Vincentius College

Carl Denys concluded: "Finally I would like to re-thank
all the sponsors and all the pupils and teachers who by participating
to the competition made this year's edition a huge success."
Daarna volgde nog een receptie / The essay competition was
followed by a reception.

Deze rubriek staat open voor iedereen.
Ook jij kunt foto's doorsturen voor de rubriek "Je was er
bij". Ons adres: info@westhoek.be
Everyone can send pictures for these pages "You were
there". Our address: info@westhoek.be