Last Post - Ieper - 10/11/2007
Hieronder een aantal foto's van de Last
Post op zaterdag 10 november 2007 aan de Menenpoort
te Ieper.
Please find below a few photographs of the Last
Post ceremony on Saturday, November, 10th, 2007, at the
Gate at Ieper.
At 18.55 PM already more than a few people under the gate.
English shools love Belgian chocolates.
Arrival of the bands: Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue
Service and the Surrey Fire & Rescue Service Drill Section.
At the right the Holy Trinity Church Choir.
The Last Post
The Exhortation followed by a lament.
Laying of the wreaths.
Followed by the Reveille
and the national anthems of Great Britain and Belgium.
Outside the gate also a lot op people.
Marching back towards the market square.

A full Meninstreet and a view of the cloth hall.
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