25 years at Ieper - 10/11/2007
Surrey Fire & Rescue Service Drill Section: 25th
Anniversary Presentation
To mark the 25th Year of their attendance at the Menin Gate
in Ypres, the Surrey Fire & Rescue Service Drill Section
is privileged and proud to be able to make presentations to
St. Georges Memorial Church and the Last Post Association.
The presentations took place at a Civic Reception hosted by
the Mayor of Ypres, Mr Luc Dehaene, at the Ypres Town Hall
on Saturday 10th November 2007 at 1800 hrs. The presentations
were made by Assistant Chief Officer John Ingrams (on behalf
of the Chief Officer of the Surrey Fire & Rescue Service,
Russell Pearson) and Officers of the Drill Section.
The presentations were in the form of a commemorative teak
bench for the garden of St. Georges Memorial Church
and a Pipers Uniform that will be worn by the Last Post
Association Piper when taking part in the Last Post Ceremony
at the Menin Gate and at other Acts of Remembrance undertaken
by the Last Post Association.
The Uniform for the Piper will consist of a kilt in the MacMillan
Hunting Modern Tartan, a Balmoral Classic Argyll Jacket bearing
the insignia and badge of the Last Post Association and a
Glengarry carrying the Badge of the Surrey Fire & Rescue
Service Drill Section.
The Drill Section took part in the parade with the Standard
of the Surrey Fire & Rescue Service at the Menin Gate
on Sunday 11 November 2007, their 25th year at the Menin Gate.
At the right: Eric Remy, piper of the Last Post Association.
At the right: Fernand Vanrobaeys of the tourist office at
Several addresses by Luc Dehaene, mayor of Ieper
and representatives of the Surrey Fire & Rescue Service
Drill Section.

Presentation of the commemorative teak bench for the garden
of St.
Georges Memorial Church
and the piper's uniform. At the right: address by Benoit
Mottrie, chairman of the Last Post Association.
Exchange of gifts.
Eric Remy carrying the Badge of the Surrey Fire & Rescue
Service Drill Section.
Time for pictures and the reception.

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