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Je was erbij / You were there


Hulde aan / Tribute to William Leggett - Geluwe - 10/11/2008

Op maandag 10 november 2008 brachten een aantal familieleden van William Leggett een bezoek aan Geluwe. Hierbij brachten ze een hulde bij het monument voor hun overleden familielid William Leggett, de eerste Australiër die sneuvelde in de Ieper Salient.

Please find below some photographs of a tribute to William Leggett by four members of the Leggett family on Monday, November, 10th, 2008. The family lives in Australia and paid tribute to William Legget, the first Australian soldier to be killed in the Ypres Salient.

The Bastiaanplaque at Geluwe.

Dirk Decuypere hosts the family during their stay at Geluwe. He took, together with Johan Durnez, the initiative to build this monument. With the support of Kiwanis Wervik-Tabaksstreek they were able to erect the monument in 2001.

Some of the eldermen of the city of Wervik.

Dirk Decuypere explains that the negative of the monument has been placed in Australia in 2005.

Grace Leggett reads a short story on William Leggett.

Wreath laying by the family.

The Last Post.

The Exhortation by Johan Durnez.

At the old city hall of Geluwe a reception took place and a few speeches were held.

Johan Braem held a speech as elderman of the city.

The Kiwanis explained their contribution to the project.

And one of the last members of the resistance at Geluwe during the Second World War presented a few gifts to the family. An emotional moment.

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