Poppyparade - Ieper -
11/11/2008 Please find below some photographs of a the poppyparade
at Ieper on Armistice Day. Volunteers of Toc-H serve thea and biscuits
for the visitors. 

A lot op people already
going to the Meningate.

Eucharistieviering in
de Sint-Maartenskathedraal.

Preparing for the poppyparade.

Costumes at their best.

Marching towards their

Young and old, all together.

An interview for the VRT
(Official television in Flanders).

A lot op people with their

Only a few Sikhs this

Last instructions before

And then with a bit of
rain, the parade started.

A record crowd at Ieper
this year at the occasion of the 90th anniversary of Armistice Day.

And more and more participants.

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