Last Post - Ieper - 28/09/2008 Op
zondag 28 september 2008 woonde Harry Patch de Last Post bij onder de Menenpoort
in Ieper. Hij is de laatste Britse veteraan van de Groote Oorlog die aan het westelijk
fornt vocht. Harry Patch is maar liefst 110 jaar oud. Please find below
some photographs of Harry Patch attending the Last Post under the menin Gate on
Sunday, September, 28th, 2008.

Address by
Benoit Mottrie, chairman of the Last
Post Association (LPA).

The Last
remember both sides of the line' said Harry.

Lament by
Eric Remy.

Harry laying
a wreath.

Harry greeting
the buglers of the LPA.
The buglers
and the members of the board of the LPA.
Harry even
got a few kisses of Australian schoolgirls !
wanted a picture of Harry.

Thank you
Harry. We all hope to meet you again.
 Deze rubriek
staat open voor iedereen. Ook jij kunt foto's doorsturen voor de rubriek
"Je was er bij". Ons adres: Everyone
can send pictures for the pages "You were there". Our address: |