Last Post - Ieper - 29/08/2009
Please find below some photographs of the special Last
Post 'Homage to a Hay' on Saturday, August 29th, 2009 under the Menin
Gate. Hieronder een aantal foto's van de speciale Last
Post op zaterdag 29 augustus 2009 om 12.00 uur onder de Menenpoort
te Ieper. 11.30hrs Departure of Clan Hay Pipe Band Cortege Clans
in front of Lakenhalle/Tourist Information-Grote Markt-Ypres to Menin Gate. 12.00hrs.
HOMAGE TO A HAY (Top of Menin Gate Ypres) - Prayers held by the
highest in rang of the Clan HAY present in Ypres
- The Last Post ceremony
by the Last Post Association
- Call to Attention
- Last Post
- Exhortation
by the Highest in rang of the Clan Hay present at Menin Gate
- 1 min silence
Lament: Flowers of the Forrest played by the Clan Hay Pipe Band
Laying of wreaths: a wreath crown of the Clan Hay
- Reveille
- National
anthems: From a Hay to Delgatie Castle played by the Clan Hay Pipe
12.30hrs.Return to Grote Markt Ypres.

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