Last Post - Ieper - 08/04/2010
Please find below some photographs of the Last
Post on Thursday, April, 8th, 2010 under the Menin
Gate. Key Messages on the End of an Era in Canadian History Background John
"Jack" Babcock, the last Canadian First World War Veteran, died on February
18, 2010. On April 9, 2010, Vimy Ridge Day, the Government of Canada and all Canadians
will mark the end of an important era in Canadian history following the death
of Canada's last living link to the First World War. Benoît Mottrie,
Chairman of the Last Post Association, will highlight the presence of Louis de
Lorimier, Ambassador of Canada to the Kingdom of Belgium and the Grand Duchy of
Luxembourg, as well as representatives of Canada in attendance. Key messages
by Benoit Mottrie, chairman of the Last Post Association I want to take
the opportunity tonight to highlight the attendance of His Excellency, Louis de
Lorimier, Ambassador of Canada to the Kingdom of Belgium, who is accompanied by
representatives of Canada. With the death of John Babcock, the last Canadian
First World War Veteran, Canada has just lost its last direct link to an important
page in Canadian history. The 650,000 Canadians who served in the First
World War paid a heavy price in the name of peace and freedom, and on Friday,
April 9, Canadians will gather in recognition of the sacrifices of their compatriots
who served during the First World War. Canadians will thus pay tribute
to the men and women who served Canada in the Great War in commemorative ceremonies
to be held across Canada. The Memorial Arch of the Menin Gate commemorates
by name nearly 55,000 dead of the armies of the British Commonwealth who fell
in Belgium and whose final resting place is not known. Of these, nearly 7000 names
are of Canadians. I want to thank His Excellency for being with us here this evening
and invite him to pronounce the exhortation.

een aantal foto's van de Last
Post op donderdagavond 8 april 2010 onder de Menenpoort
te Ieper. Deze Last Post werd bijgewoond door een belangrijke Canadese delegatie
onder leiding van Louis de Lorimier, ambassadeur van Canada. De delegatie herdacht
het overlijden in februair van John "Jack" Babcock, de laatste WO1-veteraan
van Canada. Bijna 7.000 Canadezen worden op de panelen van de Menenpoort herdacht. 
ambassador (middle), his wife and Guy Gruwez, honorary chairman of the Last Post
than 7.000 Canadian soldiers are mentionned on the Menin Gate. 

by Benoit Mottrie, chairman of the Last Post Association. 

Last Post 

Exhortation by the Ambassador. 

by 1 minute of silence 

a lament by Eric Remy, bugler of the Last Post Association. 

are laid. 

Canadian delegation greets the buglers. 

for the local television. 
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