Last Post




Je was erbij / You were there


Last Post - Ieper - 21/02/2010

Please find below some photographs of the Last Post on Sunday, February, 21sth, 2010 under the Menin Gate.

Hieronder een aantal foto's van de Last Post op zondagavond 21 februari 2010 onder de Menenpoort te Ieper.

A pipeband was present this evening.

At the right, Carl Denys of the Last Post Association.

The Last Post

followed by the Exhortation

and a lament.

Young people laying wreaths.

The Reveille

Marching back towards the market square.

Deze rubriek staat open voor iedereen. 
Ook jij kunt foto's doorsturen voor de rubriek "Je was er bij". Ons adres:

Everyone can send pictures for the pages "You were there". Our address: