New Zealand 90th anniversary of the Battle of Messines
Op donderdag 7 juni herdacht Nieuw-Zeeland de 90e verjaardag
van de slag om Mesen in 1917. Om 10.00 uur vond een plechtigheid
plaats op Messines
Ridge British Cemetery.
Please find below some pictures of the New Zealand 90th
aniversary of the Battle of Messines 1917. On Thursday, June
7th, a ceremony took place at Messines
Ridge British Cemetery.
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/ You can click on some pictures to enlarge.
Vooraan op de begraafplaats het gedenkteken
voor de vermiste Nieuw-Zeelandse soldaten.
At the entrance the memorial
for the missing soldiers of New-Zealand.

The graves of the fallen soldiers of New-Zealand have a rose.

The stone of remembrance.

The New Zealand flag was borne by Lieutenant Anthony McLeod
of the New Zealand Army. The Guard was formed from the soldiers
of the Ieper camp.

A traditional Maori calling to the offcial party welcoming
them to the ceremony.

Bidding and welcoming prayer by the Reverend Canon Ray Jones
from St. George's Church in Ypres.

Mayor Sandy Evrard and the Mayor of Featherston, both cities
twinned with eachother.
Address by the Governor of West Flanders, Mr Paul Breyne.

Children of the school at Messines.

Address by the New Zealand Minister of State Services, the
Honourable Annette King.

Waiata sung by Puna Heremaia and Precious Clark.

Wreath laying by:
The New Zealand Minister of State Services and the Governor
of West Flanders

The United Kingdom Minister of Veteran Affairs and William
O'dee, Irish Minister of Defence.

The Ambassador's for Australia and Ireland.

The Mayors of Messines and Featherston.

The Mayor of Zonnebeke and Heuvelland and the cities of Komen
and Ieper.

The Defence Attachés for New Zealand and Germany and
the Provinciecommando of West Flanders.

The Defence Attachés for Australia, United Kingdom,
United States of America and Canada.

Flowers from the children from Messines.

Extract from a letter written by Rifleman Edward Millar of
the 1st Battalion 3rd New Zealand Rifle Brigade, following
the assault on Messines, read by Amie Fournier, a New Zealand
exchange student currently studying in Belgium.

Last Post followed by one minute silence.

The Ode recited by Brigardier Paul Southwell, New Zealand
Defence Attaché.

Followed by the national anthems of Belgium and New Zealand.

Ambassador Wade Amstrong sings his national anthem 'God defend
New Zealand'.

March off.

Messines Peace Village.

Departure for the unveiling of the memorial
to Samuel Frickleton, VC.
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